Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Sura An-Nahl


2. God had Senth down His Angels with Inspiration of His Command to such of His servants as He Pleaseth, He Saith that there was not God but Him. So do their duty unto Him.

3. He has Created the heavens and the world.

4. He has Created man from sperm-drop; And Behold this same (man) Becomes an open disputer.

8. He has Created horses, Mules, and donkeys, for you to ride on and use for show; and He has Created (other) things of which you have no knowledge.

At that time people did not know that God would Give modern vehicles to nowadays people as car, train, airplane etc.

9. If God Had Willed, He Could Guide all of us.

10. God Said that it was He who had Sent down rain from the sky. From it we had drunk. And out of it the vegetation on which we had given to our cattle.

18. If you would count up the Favours of God. Never would you be able to number them: For God Is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.

19. And God Knowth what you conceal and what you reveal

51. God has Said:"Take not two gods: For He is just One God: Then fear Me.

54. When He Removes the distress from you......

55. To show they ingratitude for the favours We have Bestowed for their sustenance!

68. And thy Lord Taught teh Bee tu build it cells in hills, on trees, and in mens habitation

60. there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men.

71. God has Bestowed His Gifts of sustenance more freely on some of you than on others.

88. Those who reject God and hinder from the Path of God-for them Will We Add Penalty to Penalty...

93. He Guides whom He Pleases.

102. Say, the Holy Spirit has brought The revelation from thy Lord in Trutrh, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Moslems.
